
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 03, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Jun 16, 2005

Friends (146)

About Me

My work ends up on book covers, CDs, and Magazines. Most of the work that I do, I do for myself. But if someone wants to give me a check for something, I ain't gonna turn it down! I very rarely cast here for work, as most of my clients have their own sources. This is truly a passion for me. I more often do it for the art, than the money. Which is why I never charge or (seldom) pay for models.

I have a million shoots in my head, but not many completed. I'm very specific with what I want to do, and because of that my shoots usually go by pretty quickly and painlessly. It's a different story with planning and post-work. Those usually take some time. But that doesn't involve anyone else, but myself.

I'm always on the lookout for new people to shoot. Drop me an email and we'll see if we can work together. Tags are awesome and stuff, but I rarely respond to them since I'm not on here much. So your best bet is to email me (though MM)! I try to respond to those as fast as possible!

Also, if you email or tag me and I do get back to you. Please don't be a dick and act like I'm some creep, GWC. I don't care how awesome you think you are, and I really don't give a crap about your vag. Also, try to remember, you're the one that made first-contact, jackass. (yes that was directed at someone in particular, but it goes for everyone!)


- As much as I would prefer to, and believe that you deserve to be financially compensated, AND understand that it is your goal to make a living in this field. I generally can't pay. So there's no point in contacting me unless you want to TF. I can only pay if the shoot is for a project that I'm getting paid for. In which case, I would be doing the contacting. So don't expect much in that regard. Sorry. I wish it can be different, but times are tough for everyone.

- Chaperones (or your BFF, or your weird gay/goth financial analyst friend, or your mule, or your walrus, or whatever you want to call them): I'm cool with them. As long as they are cool, respectful, and stay out of the way. If they whip out their camera phones and start taking pictures of my space, digging through my stuff without even the thought of asking, yapping non-stop, distracting you, or whatever. I will ask them and you to leave. Also, I work where I live, and with very limited space; so please let me know in advance if you will be bringing someone with you.

- Seriously, leave your attitude at home. I REALLY don't give a shit about who you think you are, or how dirty old men have fawned over you in the past. We agreed to work together, be professional and courteous. After I get to know you, and you truly are awesome, great! But if you think you're all that and a bag of shit, and give me your small-town, podunk nude model attitude, I will lose interest real quick. The nicer you are the better your pictures will be.

- I have a one-strike and your out rule. Basically, this means, if you schedule something with me and cancel at the last minute with some BS excuse, we're done. No biggie. It is what it is. Just don't bother contacting me again. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, like if you're part of the "Model Mafia", have a doctor's note, got caught up saving an animal from imminent danger, or we've worked together before, in which case, you might get another chance before I completely write you off.

- I don't generally give "RAW" images to you unless it's agreed upon beforehand (and only under special circumstances). You get whatever I work on and finish. Nothing more.

- The work I do, as mundane as you think they are, takes time to finish. Depending on the photo, it can take days or weeks, or sometimes months. I don't generally use "Filters" so have patience. But feel free to bug me. I can sometimes get distracted by life. I won't get mad or hold it against you. This isn't a hostage situation. You deserve to get your photos as soon as possible, but just know that this isn't a science. You contacted me for a reason. Let me do my thing, and you won't be sorry. Also along the same note. What I usually do is send you a jpg asap. That way you can start using it right away. I usually hold off on sending the Hi-Res until I know for sure that I'm done. Again, bug me about it if you feel that I'm taking too long. Another thing, I tend to revisit photos regularly, so you never know. Years from now, you might get more images from me!


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CDs, Books covers, Magazine, People's walls, etc...

More Info: About.Me