
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Aug 31, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Sep 23, 2009

About Me

Thank you for taking a moment to look at my work. I'm originally from LA where I shot for ABC television. I have a degree in photography and studied with some of the countries most well respected photographers.
I moved to the east coast in 2001. I currently test for commercial print
and fashion agencies and shoot for several media companies.

I enjoy working with models. I look forward to testing. It provides me the most creative outlet of all my work. It's still a thrill to give people
beautiful shots that will advance their ambitions. My shoots are not rushed. I provide a safe and comfortable environment. Everyone I shoot walks away with a positive experience.

You can view more work at

Thanks again for taking the time to check me out!

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