
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 01, 2023
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Oct 06, 2014

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46 Photos
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About Me

Subject Object Photography is dedicated to the photographic exploration of both subjects and objects as well as the very concept of subjectification vs objectification in art. I celebrate beauty in all its forms and have long been fascinated by how photography has the power to both objectify and subjectify, how both have their place and how it's not always clear where one ends and the other begins. I am equally motivated and inspired by trying to capture a subject's essence as well as her raw natural beauty, even if some misguided observers might denounce the latter as "objectification."

"The expression of my Sexuality does not negate my Integrity, Intelligence or Autonomy."

"The only thing that is obscene in the contemplation of your naked humanity is the idea that you are somehow obscene. The only thing that is perverted about celebrating human beauty as a work of art is the idea that you should be ashamed to either enjoy beauty in others or to be held as beautiful in the eyes of others."

I stand firmly with 3rd wave feminists in asserting every woman's right to choose the expression of her own individuality/sexuality, including her choice to be subjectified or objectified as she sees fit. Telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies is equally offensive whether it's coming from social conservatives or misguided 2nd wave "feminists" who argue that any celebration of a woman's physical beauty is tantamount to patriarchal oppression. The majority of the time women who engage in such arguments are merely resentful of other women for possessing a perceived power/advantage they believe they do not and attempting to neutralize it through guilt. It's nothing more than thinly-veiled slut-shaming and I love to celebrate those who rebel against it. You are the new vanguard and are creating a better, more sex-positive world for men and women alike!

While my work displayed here will be limited to my work with models, my broader work also involves non-human subjects. I have been a hobbyist photographer for as long as I can remember, am reasonably proficient in Adobe Photoshop and have a rather extensive portfolio of 3D photography. I also enjoy and have done a great deal of nature photography and love to combine natural scenes with human subjects whenever possible. My goal and reason for joining MM is to connect with compelling subjects (models) in order to build on my previous experience.

I understand many of you model as a profession, and I respect that, but I'm not producing commercial work for sale (at this point) and am therefore only interested in an equal exchange of time/effort. In other words, I'll gladly help you expand your portfolio if you help me refine my skills.

I'm happy to entertain any compelling project/collaboration and will always respect my subject's stated boundaries (Example: No Nudes), which I will ALWAYS clarify before our work begins.

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