Aaron Zomback Film / Video Maker

About Me

My inspiration comes from the Mystery and all of my senses: vision, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Together these 5 senses compose my Cinema and effectively produces vibrations and energies that you, the spectator, will feel. Feelings such as fear, paranoia, and desire. Cinema is still in its infancy and we humans have just barely TAPPED it's potential.
I believe that the great cinema artists who've come before us hooked us on the right track - but unfortunately we have derailed ourselves from these artists' great struggles and passions.
As Gilles Deleuze wrote, "One cannot object by pointing to the vast proportion of rubbish in cinematographic production - it is no worse than anywhere else, although it does have unparalleled economic and industrial consequences . The great cinema directors are hence merely more vulnerable - it is infinitely easier to prevent them from doing their work."
and he goes on to say...
"The history of cinema is a long martyrology. Nevertheless, the cinema still forms part of art and part of thought in the irreplaceable, autonomous forms which these directors were able to invent and get screened, in spite of everything."
I create cinema so that I can grab your senses and shake them up. I want you to WAKE UP from the menial tasks of our day-to-day existence and feel something that is unspeakable.
Aaron Zomback May 2016