
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 05, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Aug 21, 2017

About Me

I've been practicing this art or craft of photography for quite a while now, and have finally decided to put some work out there so that more than a handful of people might see it. I still can't quite capture what I can see in my head, and the images in my head aren't always as nice as I'd like either, but a few people that I trust have convinced me that this is OK.

I see the photographer's mission - mine anyway - as partly finding the best way to record what's already there and naturally beautiful. Sometimes I think I can do that, sometimes I struggle. Another part of that mission for me is to capture the emotion or presence of the person. I like the idea of trying to convey someone's spirit. That's pretty cool to me, and I strive to be better at it. I've been lucky in doing this, as the models I've worked with have been really great to work with.

As far as the tech goes, I'm a fan of not quite being conventional. By that, I mean I like high key that really isn't, and low key that really isn't. I like sharpness. I have many fragmented ideas that I want to try - one being flipping my pseudo high key around, and doing some softly lit semi low key. But more in my head.

As far as what I'm looking for specifically on MM, it's to improve what I do, and if I can to help others along the way. If you're a model and like my work well enough that it could help you, send me a note or add me as a friend. If I'm not too tied up, I'm sure we can find a way to shoot. Likewise, if you have a project that you want to do, please reach out. I'd love to try some different things. My talent may be limited, but I'm always up for listening to new ideas.

As far as friends requests goes - I view this site as a great tool for professional networking. Along those lines, if I send you a friend request, it means I'd like to discuss the possibility of us working together. Likewise, if you send me a request I'm going to assume you're looking for the same. (The only caveat I'll add is that at this time I don't have a need retouchers or editors. Not that I don't respect your skill, it's just that this is a part of the creative process that I want to work on myself.)

Quick update, booking, May 2020: Hate to make this change, but with the concerns around travel lately, I'm no longer in a position to provide travel arrangements for a shoot. I will of course reimburse agreed upon travel expenses at the time of the shoot. This will allow you to coordinate whatever method of travel you like, and cancel at your own discretion. I don't require deposits, nor do I advance deposits. I can understand the reason for some models requesting this, but it's been my experience that the rare cancellation is initiated much more often by the model. Thanks!