
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Oct 29, 2005

Lists (22)

Amazing Hair

186 Photos

amazing outfits

81 Photos

Beautiful Transparensee

24 Photos

Car Wash

5 Photos

Fairies pretending to be human

19 Photos

Field of Flowers

6 Photos

Film Noir

1 Photos

Florida Beauties

29 Photos

Gorgeous implied nudes

21 Photos

Hats off to this hat shot!

35 Photos


366 Photos

Interesting Bodypaint

2 Photos

Location, location, location

49 Photos


21 Photos

My work in model's galleries

52 Photos


36 Photos

Scott Kennelly's favorite images on MM

72 Photos


8 Photos

Spectacular Fantasy!

93 Photos

Spectacular Makeup

81 Photos


27 Photos

Swimsuit Heaven

20 Photos
See Less

About Me

Hi, I'm Scott Barton Kennelly, an experienced photographer, born in Adelaide, Australia on October 30, 1968 . . . and I want to shoot something special.

I'm looking for a new muse . . . someone who inspires me to shoot with her again and again. I think the perfect muse for me would be between 17 and 27 years old, slender, easy going, and able to shoot more than once per month. If you think you would make a great muse, and you dig my work and ideas, please contact me, and let me know what you think, or message me if you're just curious, and would like a bit more info.

I live in a house with a beautiful blue pool, located in Phoenix, AZ (Tempe actually, about 2 miles south of ASU). I don't know when I'll return to south Florida, but eventually I'll make it back there. While I'm in the southwest I want to shoot in the desert, so if you'd like to do that with me please let me know. You can message me here or text me at 305-791-3551 with a link to your profile here.


My escort policy is this: I find that models who "require an escort" to come with them to all their shoots normally just flake anyway (they don't show up to the shoot for one reason or another), so if you think you need an escort to come with you to our shoot it's probably best that we don't schedule a shoot in the first place. I have included more information about the whole escort thing further down this page.

Since it's hot out right now, I'd like to shoot something cool. I've been experimenting with "rain" shots in my private, walled courtyard (I'm staying in a walled villa in Tempe, Arizona, a little town on the south side of Scottsdale, between Phoenix and Mesa - it's where ASU is located, and my house is about 2 miles south of the ASU campus). I'd like to shoot more of these "rain" photos (photos that look like the model is out in a sun shower). If you're wondering what they look like, here is one (NSFW):

WARNING! You may find my brutal honesty difficult for you to handle. I promise that I mean no insult by whatever comment I might offer. If I tell you something about your profile, portfolio photos, links on your profile to other stuff out there on the Web, or anything else, it's only done in an attempt to help you improve your modeling, profile, or portfolio, or photography (if you're a photographer). I really am actually trying to help. It's in my nature to be helpful, and I want people here on and everywhere to really improve their profiles and portfolios.

"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty." - Erich Fromm

One of the things I find most beautiful is transparency. If you'd like to work with me to create images with some transparency, please contact me. Here is a list of images that show what I am talking about:

Please read more and get to know me a little. (I have so much to tell you!)

In fact, here's my old welcome message:

WELCOME! . . . to the longest and most ridiculously wordy profile on MM. Oh, and thanks for viewing my gallery. I just LOVE all the comments on my images!


Please checkout my gallery. (Click the picture of the silver person in the top left, or just click here.) In the first few images of my gallery here, you can see a few of my fantasy photos. You can see more of them down this main page too. (See the fairies and click them too!) I'm trying to shoot more fantasy stuff lately.

I am one of a very rare breed of photographers known as "fairy photographers" (not really known, because we are so rare that you probably have never heard of a fairy photographer before). Read down the page to learn more about my fairy photography, or just look in my portfolio - there are a couple of fairy photos in there.

"Modeling is the art your soul paints . . ." - DAchinaa

My sister died a few years ago, and she is now my guardian angel. I work for her now. I try to find inspiration in the light.

"It is not what you see, but the way you see it." - Steve Chong

More and more I am shooting landscapes and nature, but I still try to find fairies and models who would like to create something beautiful.

Call me at (305) 791-3551 to discuss a shoot or ask any questions.
(That's my Google Voice phone number, and it is in here more than a dozen times, so please don't EVER tell me you couldn't find my phone number.)

Now that you have my number, please remember . . . this is not or, so please go to one of those sites if you're looking for a husband or someone to "date" you. wink

Here are some of my key beliefs:

You have to try to succeed. If you don't try, you will NEVER succeed. And the harder you try, the more successful you will be. Don't ever give up!

The bigger the camera (and the more equipment), the more constrained the photographer will be.

Modeling and photography can lead to all sorts of good and bad things.

Modeling and photography can be easy, but it can be extremely difficult too.

Good, hard-working, accomplished models deserve respect, just as good hard-working, accomplished photographers deserve respect. If you respect the others too, you deserve respect.

Shooting nudes will not hurt your future in show business. This is proven by the fact that even porn stars are hired to play roles in successful, famous shows like Entourage (Sasha Grey), Will & Grace (Traci Lords), NYPD Blue (Ginger Lynn), and various other TV shows and even blockbuster movies.

Now that is said, you need to also understand that posing nude is something you should give some considerable thought to before you do it. It would be irresponsible to think that posing nude is an insignificant step in your modeling career or even in your life as a whole. Some day we may live under Sharia law. Having posed nude could be a serious problem at that time. That is unlikely to happen, but what if it does? Some day you might meet your dream lover, but when they find out that you posed nude in the past, they may have a difficult or impossible time reconciling that. That's not YOUR problem, but it still affects you. The mental attitudes/issues of others DO affect you, believe it or not. It can affect whether you can get a job as a preschool teacher, a counselor, a politician, or even just a secretary (especially a secretary for someone in a sensitive career, such as a politician or judge). If your parents don't know you're going to pose nude, then will it be o.k. when they find out? (if that happens . . . but you should assume it will, and you should assume it might happen within a week or two - would that be o.k?)

Learn more by watching this video:

You are what you eat. If you eat garbage, you will be garbage . . . in your thoughts, your health, and your entire life.

The way you live and the way you die is what you are. Change it for the best as much and as often as you can. That will improve your image and your life and your legacy.

I believe in capturing sharp images, so I pick my equipment to follow this belief, but I also understand that sharpness is not the only thing that makes a good photo. In fact, some completely blurry photos can be truly spectacular.

I am not the most talented person you'll meet (hopefully), but I try, and I keep trying. I am passionate about my photography, and I believe that is what counts most of all.

"All you need is passion...                                                                 
      ...If you have a passion for something, you’ll create the talent."

                                                                                            - Yanni

Christine Berzak (MM#2679171)

I wish to extend my gratitude to the exceptional models who graciously helped me create so many of my favorite images.

My photos have received comments such as "Magnificent!" (Joe Vargas - Vivid Impressions - MM#1759103), "Fantastic!!" (Briian Dargon - MM#435714), and "Beautiful" (INC ENTERTAINMENT - MM#733942 and Stephen Thorne - MM#277819) by some of the best photographers on Model Mayhem. Many models seem to like my work too.

Models! If I have contacted you, or if you have an interest in shooting with me, please spend a couple of minutes reading the first few parts of this profile. If you're planning to shoot with me, you should at least skim down through my whole main page (this page) and read a lot of it . . . especially my "no escorts" policy (about half way down the page), and the fact that I am not vaccinated (and never will be). For more about that, look down the page. Before you agree to schedule a fairy shoot with me please read down this page at least as far as the fairy shoot info., and make sure you look at my fairy photos, so you know what sort of fairy photos we'll be shooting. It amazes me when I schedule a fairy shoot with a model and she asks me a question like, "What sort of outfit should I bring?"

"Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over again announcing your place in the family of things." - Mary Oliver

WARNING! My profile is ridiculously long. I have won the Model Mayhem longest profile award 7 times. (just kidding) Because my profile is so long, it has lots of information in it about me, you, modeling in general, my shoots, and much more! I have tried to organize stuff in order of importance, but inevitably, what YOU need to know will not be found at the top. If you plan to shoot with me, you should read through this profile and get to know me a little. It will take a slow reader, like me, about a half hour to read it all. If you read fast, you can read it ALL in five or ten minutes.


I was suspicious about a vaccine that required a new technology, and I thought it would make sense to wait, and see how it affects the population, before getting it. I also suspected it wasn't necessary for most people, since people under about 55 rarely died or got seriously hurt by the disease. Well, it turned out I was right to be suspicious. It hurt people I know, and that frightened me a lot. What else does the vaccine do to people? What are the long term affects? We don't know, and we may never get the full story. Anyway, in the mean time I got the disease, back in early 2022, so basically I am naturally vaccinated now . . . so I don't need it anyway. Still, there are wackos out there who insist people get vaccinated, no matter what. I say those people are nuts. They got vaccinated already, right? Well, if the vaccine works, then they're protected, so they don't need to be trying to force others to get vaccinated. If the vaccine doesn't work, then what's the point in trying to force it on people in the first place?!? The whole idea of forcing a vaccine on people is just plain stupid, and it's arrogant lunacy, in my opinion.

I've been shooting models for years, since before I created this profile in 2005, but I feel like I'm just getting started. I'm interested in shooting fashion, beauty, fantasy, and more!

Yes, I TFP (Testing is for professional photographers, and though I do get paid from time to time, I am more interested in working on my own art projects and building my fashion portfolio, so I no-longer consider myself a professional.) So I will TFP with you, if I like what I see on your port, but I will not edit/retouch a bunch of photos for you for free. I'm not into spending hours and hours editing after a shoot retouching. I'm a shooter . . . not an editor.

As you can see by the fairy photo above, I can edit photos. That fairy photo above is all my own work. I did not send it to a Photoshop wizard.

So will I retouch ANY photos for you? Sure. I retouch your ONE favorite photo from a TFP shoot with me - not a dozen or even five of your favorite photos from a shoot with me . . . unless you want to pay me to retouch the extra photos. You are welcome to get a retoucher to work on photos that I send you. There are plenty of retouchers here on MM. Browse for one. I found one in Egypt that will retouch photos for $3 each.

Of course, if you want, you can pay me $5 each to retouch more photos, and I do a pretty good job for that amount of money. More advanced retouch work is $10 or $20 per photo. I am not the cheapest, and I am not the most expensvie. Here is my photo editing port:

NOT FAIR?!? Well, frankly, if you think you got a bunch of great photos from a shoot with me (more than your favorite), and it was a free shoot, then why would you complain about spending $25 to get five more photos? I mean you'll have those photos anyway, right? I'll give them to you edited for just $5 each though. How can you think that is not fair? Do you want to shoot with me? If you do, then why complain that you MIGHT get a bunch of photos that you want edited?!? If that's the case then you would be HAPPY to pay for some editing on the photos, WOULDN'T YOU?!? Seriously, if it turns out to be a great shoot, spending a little money to improve the photos is your prerogative. If you don't want to shoot with me, because I won't give you a bunch of heavily edited photos too . . . well, that's just silly. But like I said. You can be silly. It's your prerogative!

Just in case you're wondering . . . master photo retouchers charge $50, $100, or even more for advanced photo editing work, but that's normally what high-end clients pay for extensive photo manipulation work done by New York production photo retouching agencies, which often involves the most advanced retouching, compositing and more.

Want to learn more about what photo retouchers do? Read these articles:

Want a good photo retoucher? Try this guy:

I don't know him, but his work looks good to me. There are PLENTY of good retouchers here on MM though. Take a look! BROWSE!

Valerie Whitaker (MM#5028)

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Zigler

I'm happy you're here! There is much to know about me, and I will tell you some of it here, but first . . . a few things you should know, if you are a model wanting to work with me.

First: I don't meet before shooting. (I think it's a waste of time, because you never know how someone is going to perform until you work with them. Plus, it just doubles the chances of a no-show. Basically, trying to meet twice to shoot once just complicates things unnecessarily. I know some photographers who do it, but I don't. That's just my style. Sorry if it doesn't work for you.)

If you want to shoot with me, and we start communicating:

There are two things I will need from you right away: 1) your e-mail address, so I can send you a model release for your review and approval; 2) your cell phone number, so I can call you to discuss the shoot and then again the night before the shoot to reconfirm. I also call a few minutes before the shoot, to check that you are on your way (or at least ready for the shoot).

I require two forms of photo ID. I will shoot a photo of you holding them up next to your face. If this is not possible, our shoot is not possible. This is to prove that you are who you claim to be on the model release and to protect me from anyone who might claim you are a minor, and not able to sign a model release or pose for photos without parental consent.

Read further down the page to learn more about my model release policy.

NO ESCORTS! (read further down the page for info.)

. . . and just in case you start thinking I am full of myself, because of what I have written here, or because of the WAY I write stuff here or try to give advice, like I'm some sort of expert here . . . well, compared to many here on MM, I AM an expert. Take a look at when my profile was started. Take a look at the number and volume of work I have done. NO, I am no Canon Explorer of Light. No, I am no master photographer . . . far from it. In fact, I read somewhere once that you have to do something for about 10,000 hours, before you become an expert at it. That means I will probably have to do another 2,000 to 3,000 photo shoots, before I am an "expert" photographer (at shooting photos of models). But I do already know a thing or two about photography and modeling. I've shot hundreds of thousands of photos. I've worn out two digital SLR cameras. That wouldn't be saying much, if all I did was spray and pray, but I don't shoot that way, though I do shoot a lot of photos at each shoot (between about 500 and 2,000 - it depends on the style, location, lighting, etc.). Like I've mentioned elsewhere on this profile, I used to have a modeling Web site called (for a few years). I don't know how much help it was, but a few models told me it was very helpful. I tried to be objective in the articles I wrote there, but how can a photographer be truly objective? Anyway, if you don't like my advice, feel free to tell me so. I like to hear differing opinions, and I would never want to be giving "wrong" advice (though for certain people the same advice may be right, while for others it might be wrong - everything is relative). I don't have vast experience yet, and I do not claim to be ADVANCED or anything. I do have some experience though . . . more than most of the photographers here on MM seem to have, and WAY more than most of the models seem to have. Therefore I think I can be of some help, and I believe my advice will be of some use to you, unless you are already an expert, with years of experience and hundreds of shoots under your belt (like I have). If you want, you can check out my Florida Fashion Photos profile here (under my top friends), and see a partial list of models I have worked with.

Now, that isn't all, but for now, here's a little more positive stuff.


My most creative endeavor, lately, is a collection of fairy images I am shooting in local forests. If you're a model who loves the forest as much as I do, please click the image below to see my Fairyland Forests gallery!

Or click here: Fairyland Forests

Here is one of my latest creations for my Fairyland Forests project:

(Click the photo above to see my Fairyland Forests gallery.)

Model: Debra (MM#1975547)
Makeup: me (I'm not quite a makeup artist, but I have a makeup kit)
Editing/retouch: me (I am adept with image editing programs)

Click here to see the gallery: Fairyland Forests

If you would like to see what YOU would look like as a fairy, and you have a slender build (any size breasts will work, but smaller breasts are preferred), and you have a desire to shoot in the forest and be part of a fantasy image, maybe we can shoot! Ask me what it takes to be a fairy. (Here's a hint . . . fairies flit through the forest completely unclothed. As a model playing the part of a fairy for my photos, you would be covered head to toe in theatrical makeup paint, but you would not be wearing "clothes" - no dresses, no underwear, no shoes. Imagine a bird or a monkey in the forest. They don't wear clothes, and neither would a fairy, right?)

Why do I shoot fairy photos?

My fairy photos project is a result of hours and hours of contemplation. I had to consider many aspects of photography, modeling, and even makeup. Here's the short explanation (sorry it's so long).

As a creative photographer who likes to work with models, I shoot fine art nudes from time to time. I've been working on a collection of images for a book I want to publish, called "Angels In The Flesh" - I've been "working" on that project for years and years. The problem is I'm very picky about the models I shoot for that project, because it's not porn, and I want the photos to look as angelic as possible. Many models today have tattoos, and in my opinion, angels and tattoos just don't go together. Another problem I've realized is that fine-art nudes appeal to a very limited market. (Remember . . . I'm talking about fine-art, not porn. The porn market is huge, but I don't want to shoot porn.) Almost nobody is going to want to put a print of a nude woman on their wall or even a book of nudes on their coffee table. It's unusual to find people who have nudes displayed in their home.

That made me think I needed to find some other way to create artistic images with models. Why with models? Why not shoot landscapes or nature? Actually I do (I have a whole gallery of landscapes, seascapes, and even flora - eventually I will add a gallery of fauna too - ), but I like to work with beautiful girls, and landscapes are lonely and not very exciting to me (though I do love to travel). Yes, I love to work with beautiful, naked, young women. Call me a perv. if you will, but I can't help but love the beauty of gorgeous women. Can you blame me?

No, I'm not a dirty old man, but if you're a model, then I'm probably old enough to be your dad, so I'm definitely an "older" man, and I'm definitely very horny most of the time. I'm a sensual person. That said, I am not normally turned on by shooting nudes or painting nude models. I guess I'm over that (unfortunately). It was actually a little more fun and exciting in the beginning (years ago, when I started shooting fine-art nudes). Now it's more fun and exciting for the models than it is for me. Still, I enjoy what I do, and I definitely get an eye-full. I'm not judgmental though. I realize that everyone is different and everyone has their faults and positive aspects. For the most part, when I'm working with a model, I am pretty cool and calm. It's only when I see a scene that I think will make a great shot that I start to get excited. Sorry ladies, but your beauty doesn't have much affect on me anymore. I feel like I'm jaded or something. In a way that's a little sad. But I guess overall, it's a good thing. It lets me concentrate more on capturing/creating the best images I can create with you.

One day I was trying to think of ways to hide tattoos on models. It's hard to believe that SO many girls have tattoos now! (especially girls who are trying to be models . . . surprise surprise!) I thought to myself, "Hmmm, maybe I could do bodypaint shoots." But I wasn't a bodypainter. I never tried it before. So I tried to think of other ways to "hide" tattoos. You might ask, "Why HIDE them? Why not SHOWCASE the tattoos? Afterall, the people who get them are trying to make themselves look better, right?" To me a tattoo mars a person's flesh. They often look trashy, like the person just came out of prison or something, and in most poses/photos, a tattoo is only partly visible, making it a distraction. Most of the photographers I know seem to think the same way (remember that most photographers are older men, and they typically think of pretty young women as little angels who should look pristine, like Playboy playmates or some sort of surrogate daughter figure - as a model, you are probably the same age as their daughter or even younger - I have no kids myself, but it's easy to do the math).

Well, for a while I couldn't think of a way to do what I wanted to do - shoot models with tattoos, but get shots I liked. That limited my options, because most new models seem to have tattoos, and I didn't want to try shooting with more experienced models or just the new models with no tattoos. You might ask, "Why not shoot the more experienced models?" That's easier said than done. Experienced models don't need photos like new models do. Experienced models have plenty of good photos already, and they have found some great photographers to shoot with, so they don't need the likes of me. It's much more difficult to schedule TFP with experienced, beautiful models, and I don't have a lot of cash, so I can't afford to pay those experienced models.

Anyway . . . one day I saw a fairy photo of a model painted all one color. I thought to myself, "I could paint a girl all one color, and that would cover up her tattoos!" From that point on, I realized that I could shoot all the models with tattoos, and it would be as simple as painting them. I could just shoot fairy photos of models in the forest. I LOVE to shoot photos of models in the forest. (I've shot fine-art nudes in the forest, and it looks beautiful.) There is also no better place to shoot photos of a fairy. One more thing I realized was the fact that people love fairies . . . especially women. I figured at least SOMEONE would want to put my art on their wall or display a book of my photos on their coffee table.

I didn't know what to do about fairy wings. Fairies have wings, you know. Well, I looked around for cool fake wings, but they are very hard to find. I tried placing some fake wings on a model, and it just looked bad (unrealistic and silly). So I found a "Photoshop Wizard" who had some fantastic composite images on her portfolio. I figured I could get her to do the Photoshop work on a couple of photos from each of my "fairy" shoots. Then I decided to try it with Photoshop myself. I'm pretty good with Photoshop, so when I tried it, I was able to add wings and create a pretty good fantasy image.

Now here I am, more than a year later, and I've shot many fairy photos, and I'm getting better and better at it all the time - not just at Photoshop, but at bodypainting and photographing fairies too. (I'm no expert, but I'm getting there.) So primarily my reasons for shooting photos of "fairies" are:

1. I wanted to create beautiful artistic images with models that are not nudes.
2. I wanted to find a way to shoot models with tattoos.
3. I wanted to shoot in the forest.

So I'm working on this VERY artistic project (more artistic than I ever imagined myself doing), trying to make the most fantastic images I can, and as you can see, they aren't nudes! (at least not in the conventional sense) It's all very cool, if you ask me. I LOVE what I'm doing, and I think other people will find my fairy photos inspiring and interesting (when I get them to where I want them to be - truly beautiful and fantastic).

Thanks for reading my story about my Fairyland Forests project and why I shoot fairy photos. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

I also shoot lots of other stuff. Here's one example:

Mischa (MM#1049504)

I like to shoot Bohemian beauty photos. They have a commercial fashion look to them, and if this is something you want in your portfolio, I am almost always up for shooting something like this.

My cell number is 305-791-3551 (just in case you missed it above)

- I have been shooting photos for a long time (since before the digital age).
- I shoot a wide variety of work (editorial, beauty, glamor, fine art, etc.).
- I am flexible and available to shoot throughout the tri-county area.
- I shoot TFP, but I am selective about what and who I shoot.
- I don't shoot booty shots (as you can see by my portfolios).
- I shoot both men and women, but I prefer to shoot women (girls are prettier).
- I use a model release and require models to have 2 forms of photo ID.
- I don't allow escorts at my shoots (but an escort can drop you off, if you like).
- I am a starving artist (no big budget for studios, makeup artists, etc.).
- I am a well-spring of information, and I don't mind sharing my knowledge.
- I try to be creative, and I look for creative models.
- I am verbose (as you can tell by this ridiculously long port). I like to talk.
- People tell me I'm a good listener.

Even with all this, I am still a mystery. My friends tell me this, so I guess it's true.


Again, my cell number is 305-791-3551.

Jenny Buitrago (MM#362041)

As you can see by my portfolio and the photos on this page, a lot of what I shoot is fashion, beauty, and glamor. I also like to shoot fine art and "more artistic" stuff (like my Fairyland Forests collection). If you're the right model for it, I'd really like you to be a fairy. This is what I'm trying to concentrate on right now, though I do get side-tracked and shoot lifestyle and art nudes from time to time. I even have a new project I'm working on this summer. The objective is to create the "best car wash photo" on MM. (I'm challenging myself to create a series of spectacular glamor photos.) Check out my list of car wash photos.


Oh, and if we have scheduled a shoot . . .


(305) 791-3551 - that's my main phone number . . . call any time.

I try to call the day before any shoot to make sure the model/client is aware of the shoot and planning to be there. If you don't get this call there is a problem, and it is something you should check on. We are all fallible humans. We may have gotten our wires crossed, and I might have scheduled you for a different day from what you think, or I may be sick and not thinking straight. Please keep this in mind. You should call me to find out why I haven't called.
(I also call right before leaving for the shoot, which is why I need your cell phone number.)



I'd like to make this all positive and happy, but there are some things you need to know first, so here is a little bit of hard-to-read stuff. Sorry. You can skip it, but be warned that it is important, and you should not schedule a shoot with me if you haven't read it.

If you are not paying me to shoot you, I require that you sign a model release . . . especially if you are posing nude. (Why would you expect a photographer to shoot you without having you sign a model release, so s/he can actually use the photos legally?)

I require two forms of photo ID. I will shoot a photo of you holding them up next to your face. If this is not possible, our shoot is not possible. This is to prove that you are who you claim to be on the model release and to protect me from anyone who might claim you are a minor, and not able to sign a model release or pose for photos without parental consent.

Again, there are two things I will need from you right away: 1) your e-mail address, so I can send you a model release for your review and approval; 2) your cell phone number, so I can call you to discuss the shoot and then again the night before the shoot to reconfirm. I also call a few minutes before the shoot, to check that you are on your way (or at least ready for the shoot).

My cell phone number is 305.791.3551 - see, I'm not shy about giving out MY number! It always makes me wonder how someone can call themselves a professional, but keep their phone number a secret. Why would someone do this? Doesn't a professional publish their number in the Yellow Pages? On their Web site? In advertising? Well? Seriously!

Feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns, or even if you just want to say "hi" and talk a little. I am a lonely little guy, like Yoda, sitting in my hut in the forest, waiting for the next Jedi model to come along, so I can train you.


My preference is to work with models who shoot nudes . . . with no escort. Yes, I'm serious. I believe that if you are serious too, then you will not have a problem with this. It is because I don't like to be limited in my creativity, either by a model who won't do something (or wear something), or in the case of "escorts" I prefer not to be hampered physically or mentally, and if I allow escorts, a model might bring someone who either annoys me or distracts me or my model(s).  It is normal for models to come alone to shoots and pose for nudes . . . though most of the models I shoot don't do that (like I write in other places here, if I approached you to shoot, I won't expect you to shoot nudes, if that's not your thing). Most serious models know that they will be hired to shoot nude from time to time in this industry (watch a few episodes of America's Next Top Model, if you don't believe me - sometimes they have the model topless or wearing nothing but a spider). What happens is a model who keeps modeling will finally realize it only makes sense to model nude (not for Playboy or Hustler, but if they're lucky, maybe for the Pirelli Calendar or some famous photographer's work of fine art), or they go into an agency, and eventually they get hired to shoot a nude for an advertisement. Then they get over themselves and realize it isn't all about taking their nude photo virginity or anything like that, but creating a beautiful image. Look at supermodels like Cindy Crawford, Heidi Klum, Elle Macpherson, and Kate Moss (see some of Kate's nudes here). Serious models also learn that most supermodels pose nude at one time or another, and it's nothing to be ashamed of doing. In fact, if you're a model, and a good photographer wants to shoot you nude, it is actually something to be proud of, even if you don't plan to pose nude, because it is certainly flattering to be asked to pose nude for someone with a discerning eye, like a good photographer. I think it's silly to pass up the opportunity to get good nudes of yourself, but that's your prerogative, isn't it?

I can be more creative and free to shoot whatever comes to mind when shooting a model who is willing to do whatever I come up with. (i.e. stand there naked, while I paint her green, red, or yellow . . . yes, I've done this with models before, and it works great! It's fun - for both of us - and the photos are unique. Just look at my photos for examples.)

On occasion I do make exceptions. I don't believe in hard and fast rules. There can always be a good reason to be flexible. That makes me easier to work with than some other photographers out there. That said, I try not to work with models who just want boring shots. It happens from time to time though, and I can actually get something good, if the model is willing to be at least a little adventurous. Usually I charge a little cash for Facebook photos. Expect me to ask for money if you don't want to get crazy and do cool stuff.

Crystal (I have no idea if she's on MM)

To see more swimsuit photos click here.


I don't like escorts - read further down this profile page to find out why.

(at least that's what I want to be, when I grow up)

I like to experiment, and I'd like YOU to join me! That is if . . . and ONLY if you are the type of person who likes to experiment too. Imagine smoke and mirrors, bubbling liquids, colorful flashing lights, and electrical, biological, and chemical wonders! Take a look in my gallery to see what I've been working on at the lab.

I am also a chef . . . an image chef. I feed on what I create! In fact, I eat drink and dream art.

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." - Picasso


Please read my entire profile if you are planning on shooting with me, so you don't get any "surprises" at our shoot or afterwards.


You NEED to call me if you will be shooting with me. I will call you too! If you can't handle this, we can not work together! In fact, one of the first things I ask is, "What's your number?" This is for a multitude of reasons. One is because if you don't have a cell phone, then we won't be able to talk on the day of the shoot, when we meet on location (possibly in a park, at a beach, or at a studio near you or me). If I can't contact you by phone, then there is no use wasting each others' time continuing a message exchange here, because we will NEVER be able to get it together for an actual shoot. Another reason is because if you are too afraid to message me with your number (because you're so afraid that a "stranger" might be able to actually call you), then you are not likely to meet with me for a photo shoot.

Enough of that!


With available light, I can shoot photos like this one, which I shot with Peter Kandu just after sunset by his home in Miami. Notice the lights in the background. We both had to stand very still for this one.

Peter Kandu (MM#1339351)

My work is normally TFP (time for photos). See down the page for how that works. Of course, just because I don't charge models doesn't mean that I'll just shoot anyone or any concept for free! Sometimes I can be pretty selective with my models, and while I do shoot a wide variety of ideas, I don't like EVERY idea. If you want to get creative with me, give me a try. Maybe you'll catch me at a slow time, when I'm not too busy, or maybe I'll like your idea so much that I'll just HAVE to work with you! Of course, if you're a sweet, beautiful, young woman (18 or older), and I like your look, I will be pretty open to working with you on almost anything you want. I'm a sucker for beauty. Just don't bore me . . . please. I want to shoot beautiful, sexy, interesting stuff - not your wedding (unless you're getting married in Maui, and you want to fly me out there to shoot it for you).

If I contacted you, telling you that I like your port and that I think we should shoot, please do not misunderstand. That is not an offer for paid work. My clients pay models, but I do not . . . not even for special personal projects. This is because I have NO trouble finding models of a sufficient caliber who are eager to work with me to get good photos for their portfolio and to gain experience (I am a good teacher). If you have "paid assignments only" marked on your port, and you're wondering why I contacted you, it's probably because I saw something in your port about TFP and/or I feel your portfolio could benefit from a shoot with me (and, of course, I think my port might benefit from a shoot with you). Please don't take it as an insult that I would offer to work with you, even though the ONLY thing you'll receive is images for your portfolio (of course that is said facetiously, because good images are worth a great deal of money). I am just looking for beautiful, creative souls to help me make works of art. If that's not you, I apologize for "bothering" you.

O.K. At the risk of sounding a little negative, I have some stuff you should know before contacting me.

When you give me your number . . . DO NOT SEND ME YOUR MANAGER'S NUMBER!
If you think so much of yourself that you're above communicating with me directly, and demand your "manager" screen all communications with me, then you're not my type of model. I will most likely just delete your message and block you from ever contacting me again. I DO NOT contact models through their "manager" for any reason. I have no problem with you consulting an experienced photographer or model to review my port for you or read the messages I send to you, because if you are new you should be extra careful, so you don't get scammed, but please don't expect me to try communicating through someone else instead of speaking directly with you. That is a sure-fire way to alienate me or any potential clients. If I wanted to deal with that kind of crap I would be working with agency models.

One more thing - I try not to make boring photos. If you're new, and you are afraid of your own shadow, please, please, please don't contact me. I am the type of person who likes to be free to do just about anything. If it looks like your clothes will be boring, I might ask you to take them off and wear a scarf or some leaves instead. (I carry eyelash glue, so we can stick the leaves on you - I have a discount card for Sally Beauty Supply.) Normally I carry makeup paint with me, so we can almost always do body paint. Most new models are too shy for this type of thing, so make sure you bring some cool or sexy outfit that we can use to create something exciting! I like to make photos with IMPACT. A boring shot of you standing there in jeans and a T-shirt is nothing I want to shoot. If that's you, please spare me by not trying to shoot with me, but if you're ready to be adventurous, and you don't mind wearing a slinky shirt or dress with no bra or doing a body-paint shoot (no clothes - it wouldn't be called BODY paint if you had clothes on), or if you have some crazy wild dress or a wicked leather outfit like Trinity from The Matrix, then let's shoot! I don't need you to be nude or anything like that. I just need you to be exciting, sensual, sexy, or weird for me. You can be beautiful all you like, but there's more to a good photo than just a pretty face and good lighting. I can make a lot of it happen, but I need your help too.

Hopefully I don't sound like too much of a dick/diva now. I just want you to know that I love exciting and sensual, but the opposite applies too (I dislike boring/mundane photos.), and it really bothers me when models send me their "manager's" number. If you do that it will not work out well. Sorry.


If you are a minor, I am no longer shooting with minors. Sorry. The issue is that I am shooting more and more nudity in my images, because not only do I want to create elegant and beautiful images, but I want my images to be sexy too. As a minor, I can not shoot this type of work with you, because it is illegal, and since I hate to waste my time shooting boring stuff (sorry, but many teen models just seem to have NO CLUE how to be exciting or work the camera to look sexy), I have stopped shooting with minors. If I did shoot with minors, I would be doing them a disservice, since I would only be shooting really weird experimental stuff, like shots of a girl half-buried in sand, close-up face, eye, and mouth shots, etc.

Since I do not shoot with minors, I do not shoot with escorts present either, because it is no longer necessary. I'm just tired of people brining their mom, dad, dog, boyfriend along to bother me/them at the shoot (and sometimes causing the shoot to be cancelled, because they "can't make it" for some reason). If YOU think it is necessary, then you should reconsider your position. You're an adult now. It's time to grow up, get real, and act a little bit more mature and professional.



Escorts (and the whole idea of the premise that you think an escort is needed) bother me. Now that doesn't mean I have a problem with meeting someone who drops you off at our shoot or something. I actually like meeting "new" people . . . but . . .


What I mean by this is I don't like someone there, with my model, distracting her and me, unless it's necessary for that person to be on set, like a makeup artist or a fashion stylist or something like that. I often shoot alone, with just the model and me, like a guy with a camera. It makes for more of a cool, laid back shoot, which I prefer to having a whole crew involved. Just so you know, I've worked with big crews of more than ten people, so I know what I'm talking about here.

Also, for your own future reference, if you do "require" an escort to be with you at shoots, and you continue to make your mom/dad/brother/boyfriend/whoever go out of their way to "escort" you to shoots, make sure you don't put your "escort" in harm's way. If you do not trust the photographer, why do you trust the photographer with you AND your boyfriend/dad/brother? Because your escort is a big strong man? Sorry, but that doesn't stop someone from sticking your escort (and you) with a needle or a knife, or holding the two of you at gun point or something.

Consider how it will make the photographer feel if you bring some big strong guy to watch over him at the shoot. I don't like an "escort" watching me or what I'm doing . . . judging everything I say or do every moment of the shoot (it can be a little unnerving knowing that some dude might try to kick my ass for adjusting a girl's dress, because he thought I was "trying to touch his girl" or something), and most photographers I know don't like escorts either, even if they do allow it. I suggest that you try not to tilt the balance between you and the photographer, because it will cause problems for you you don't even realize, and may never even know about. Many photographers who would otherwise want to work with you will probably just pass up the opportunity, if you insist on having an escort with you at shoots. I do that all the time. Almost every time I see in a model's port something like, "I ALWAYS BRING AN ESCORT TO MY SHOOTS" I just move on, never even contacting that model.

If you do insist on immature, childish behavior, like requiring an adult accompany you to your shoots (just kidding, but you get my drift, I'm sure), you will limit yourself, handicapping your ability to build a good portfolio. Besides, photographers are not the psycho type. Most photographers are doddering old men. A lot of the photographers I know are, anyway.

If you're worried, just check out your photographer before you schedule a shoot. If you leave the escort at home, it will make you much less of a burden on your family/friends, and you'll keep them out of harm's way that way too. Yes, you could stay in your house and never go out. It WOULD be safer that way. Unfortunately though, that would be a very boring life, and you could never build a good portfolio or get modeling jobs either. You WILL realize that having an escort at every shoot is just impractical, if you keep modeling. When you finally stop taking escorts to shoots with you, you will start to see what an amateur move it is, and how professionals must have seen that you were obviously a newbie, because of your "escort policy." Just so you understand though, I do realize that things are different in the World of BSDM . . . or is it BDSM? Anyway, there are SOME circles where it does make sense to have an escort, and I appreciate that. I don't shoot stuff like that though, and don't plan to ever start shooting that stuff.



"I seek a timeless image not a fashion statement." - Red In Hawaii (MM#60292)

Actually I myself don't mind making a fashion statement, just as long as it can be made with a timeless image!

I like to shoot beauty, fashion and glamor (including swimwear, lingerie, and sexy or elegant nude and implied nude), but most of all I like to create fantastic works of art. Sometimes I paint a model or apply jewels to her bare skin using eyelash glue. Other times I use glitter or leaves to enhance or obscure. I LOVE crazy hair, so if you'd like to shoot something with crazy hair, please contact me!

My hope is that people will be proud to place my work on their walls or feature it in books, magazines, or advertisements (such as billboards). As you look at my work you will see I shoot a variety of styles, from fine art to exotic fashion to casual editorial and catalog work to commercial glamor. This is because I like variety. I even shoot landscape and nature photos for print sales (see some on one of my networking profiles or on my main page at

Sometimes I even shoot family portraits or weddings. Basically, my work is diverse, and I like it that way. If you have an idea you'd like to try, I'm probably the perfect photographer for you to be working with.

And if you're the type to be adventurous, please see my list of INSPIRATIONAL IMAGES below, and imagine me taking you further into a mad world of exotic and outrageous!

FINALLY! I'm starting to think more creatively!

Here are some ideas I've had lately:

Cotton candy! Or maybe left-over decorative spider web from Halloween. Yes, I'm talking about something to stick on you in lieu of "normal" clothes. This would look pretty sexy and weird/wonderful?! (rainbow goth?)
Sexy pirate! There are a few models out there that would make really great pirates. They have a bunch of tattoos, that would make them look just right in the role of a pirate queen (pirate princess just doesn't sound right). We would need a sword, a great pirate hat (we could probably get away with a scarf). Skull and crossbones earrings would be great . . . as would some sort of leather halter top. I think I already have a musket (old gun) around here somewhere.
Rubber hoses! Yes, you read that right . . . I want to use rubber hoses instead of clothes! Garden hoses maybe. Maybe clear water hose. Maybe some other type of rubber hoses. Maybe bicycle tires! lol (Look at this and imagine what it might look like with rubber hoses:
Feathers! Think of tarred and feathered, but in a good way! Want to be a bird girl? I wouldn't mind doing this one as a team with a couple. The two of you will have to put feathers all over each other, in a way that the feathers look like they grew out of you. You'll be COMPLETELY covered with feathers, so it will take a long time and a lot of patience. We might even try beaks! Yes, we will need to source some feather wings (or make some) for this shoot.
Boxes. When was the last time you saw a model wearing a bunch of boxes for clothes?!? I'm thinking of using a box for a bracelet, one or more boxes for each shoe, and at least one box for a hat too.
Lights! No, not lights, camera, action! I mean I want to use lights as clothes! I'm thinking like about 10,000 christmas lights maybe. This will take a long time and be pretty dangerous, because I don't know what is going to happen when I plug in the strings of lights! (Seriously, I haven't worked this one out yet. If you're interested and have any ideas, please let me know, o.k?)
Tesla coils zapping in the background of a dark "Queen Of The Damned" scene. She stands on black platform heels with silver horns and chains draped on her feet, wrapped on her legs, and maybe even all about her body and arms. Her hair is wind-blown, and a light breeze blows it back in this powerful scene. She wears black leather and metal (what else?). I'd like to enhance this low-key studio shot with dark skies filled with lightning and possibly a background scene of city lights.
Alternate environments, like piles of dead, dry leaves, falling sand, rocks, or mud, snow, underwater, but in some different way, like with bubbles, colored light or drips of dark ink falling into the water.
The tall, red and yellow world of Silent Hill - imagine this in the falling leaves of Autumn!
Black pearls on white skin. White pearls on black skin. The joining of bodies form the Yin and the Yang.
A silver woman stands on the cracked surface of a dry lake bed next to a giant chrome sphere (three or four times her height, but we only see part of it, with her reflection in the surface). She's holding a long, straight, chrome pole/staff with a small globe at the top end. She wears nothing but chrome globes on her feet and a chrome disc around her head, like a crown. What appears to be her hair sticks up, silver, in some weird configuration which defies description. Her eyes are dark, yet she appears to have similar facial and anatomical characteristics to a human.
Huge chains bind, like a snake wrapped around a body in a death grip, causing a nude woman to gasp in fear and anguish! Where did such huge chains come from?!? How did she get wrapped up in this insane situation?!?
Water splashing, a flash of light freezing the moment, a face, skin, jewels, and flying hair.
Colorful balloons . . . oil-covered or painted, wet with droplets, and YOU amongst it all.
Sand flying in the sunrise with laughter and emotion! This is what beaches were made for!
Dripping . . . body parts dripping oil, honey, water . . . back-lit silhouettes.
Faeries in the forest, flitting about, hiding, leaping! The sun's light filters down through leaves.
She and he, loving, laughing, on the beach or in the forest . . . beautiful, sensual, sexy!
The Whip - A really kick-ass leather fetish scene with one, imposing figure, fully attired, with an AMAZING whip. I'm not that into fetish stuff, but I'd like to get creative with a whip and give leather and latex fetish photography my best try.
Colored gels changing the color of the light showing a white painted body, like a Greek statue, with a black background, which can be replaced with an image of a garden, desert, starry sky, or an ancient greek temple. With special effects, the "statue" could be made to look ancient too, and fit within the scene perfectly!
Jewels, glittering on a woman's wet skin, surrounded by the twinkling of the sunlight shining off the water.
Mist in the forest obscures a woman's naked body, as beams of light shining down through the trees reveal just enough to show her beauty.
Wild hair, accented with lace and strands of gold rope, frames a beautiful painted face (think Lady Gaga meets Prince Poppycock).
Spikes and horns and claws and wings . . . has anyone seen Tim Curry in Legend? Let's get creative! Makeup artists and stylists welcome. The image above is just my first attempt. Maybe we could create an image of Persephone herself!
A dryad. ( )
The river nymph Korkyra (from ancient Greek mythology).
A young woman walks alone on a country road, crying, draging a suitcase. A moment later her suitcase is open,  clothes are strewn about, and she's frantically ripping up a letter, with a look of hatred on her mascara-streaked face. A while later she sits, head in hands, sweaty and tired, on a fence, with the suitcase nearby closed, but with pieces of clothing caught in the zipper.
A girl stands on the beach talking to a surfer, who is kneeling, waxing his surfboard. His expression is inquisitive, yet his posture is calm. She pretends not to notice, but the angst on her face gives her away.
An exotic, beautiful woman lies next to a man kissing her neck. She looks toward the door with an expression of shock and fear on her face, as a man with a disgusted scowl stands in the doorway.
Sparks! I want so shoot something dark with sparks. We could use a grinder, a lighter, a fire starter, or even sparklers.
Aphrodite! Are you the one? Who is willing to try? (I think this one will require some nudity.)
I know this has been done, but I still want to do it - I want to put a bird's nest in someone's hair . . . maybe even make the nest out of the hair, and put birds, eggs, and even sticks and such up there, to make the hair look like a bush or something! (For Christmas?)
How about a cornucopia, for Thanksgiving?!?
The Sexiest Car Wash! A cool car, a great location, the hottest swimsuit on a sexy, voluptuous model, with glittering bubbles, soap suds, and lots of water! Not super artistic, but I want to challenge myself and the right model to create the sexiest car wash photo EVER!

This is cool too, and I'd like to create something like it:

I'm interested in creating some artistic video, as in music videos. See this video on YouTube for inspiration (sorry about the advertisement):

Now as I look at the above list and view other photographers' galleries, I feel like I just am not being creative enough! I want unique, outrageous and amazing ideas! Salvador Dali is my favorite artist, because HE had spectacular ideas. In a way, I want to be more like that guy.

Ideas for more MEANINGFUL and SIGNIFICANT works of art:

I have recently realized that at least some of my work should have more meaning, and whether that be political, religious, or otherwise, it seems to me that I should be creating works of meaningful art that help to create conversation by engaging the viewer more deeply. Consequently, anyone who does not qualify for my Fairyland Forests project (or does not want to be part of that project) may have an interest in these ideas:

Death Of The American Dream - a young family leaves a burning house, as a banker in a suit and holding a suitcase holds up a foreclosure notice, like it is a cross and the family is a group of vampires (heavily Photoshopped with multiple images)

The Rape Of Liberty - the Statue Of Liberty being raped by George W. Bush (no nudity) - George Bush lifting the "statue's" gown and raping her as she stands, holding the torch of liberty

The Rape Of Justice - blind justice standing with Attorney General Holder lifting her gown and raping her from behind (of course it will be an implied image/no nudity). The hardest part of this image will be how to deal with identifying the Attorney General as Eric Holder

I'd also like to try shooting film noir style. Anyone with any ideas about this, contact me, and we can shoot something with the express intention of creating dramatic, low-key shots . . . maybe on the street at night. The look would be something similar to this:

Leah Page (MM#702578) - now calling herself  Aea Iynx

Here are some things photographers have said about the photo above:

"Wonderful combination of drama and retro." - Wayne Cutler
"This is phenomenal!" - Simon Gerzina
"Fantastically cool, ethereally beautiful image. Fab, fab model." - Stephen Thorne

I'd also like to shoot some romantic couple shots, like this. I was inspired by this video by Herb Ritts: Wicked Game

Here's a sample:

Angel LaGasse (MM#836693)

I also shoot pretty stuff like this:

Aniela McGuinness (MM#716951)

You can see more of my photos like the one above. Just visit one of my other profiles here - specifically my Florida Fashion Photos profile. (MM#1257954)

If you look carefully, you'll see that my top friends here are actually me too. They are my other profiles here on MM. I can't afford a premium membership here.

BTW, I can't afford a car either. I ride a bike.


“I tend to think of the act of photographing, generally speaking, as an adventure. My favorite thing is to go where I’ve never been.” - Diane Arbus

This defines my own feelings pretty well:

"I have found (from working with some excellent and very successful photographers) that the energy between the photographer and model is the single most important aspect in a shoot. In fact, unless it is a predetermined conceptual idea - I credit the models as much as I do myself for creating interesting and/or beautiful images.  Especially when they know how to "wear" the light - identify the light source and use it to reveal themselves. " - Moon Pix Photography (MM#672398)

Where else can you find me?

And of course, my other profiles here on MM - my top friends.

"A great photographer once told me that a picture is a snapshot that caputres the past, present, and future:
When viewing a picture, the feeling it conveys to the viewer is the present.
The past is everything that led up to the picture: the interactions between the photographer and model, the mood of that day, and the actual shoot.
The image will forever be, for future viewers." - Carson Lee

Rebekah Keida (MM#457220)


My phone number: 305-791-3551

If I've contacted you to shoot, then I'm talking TFP, but if I said we should test, I'm talking about a test shoot (like an interview or a "try-out" . . . you know, like when people get up in front of Simon at the castings for American Idol . . . it's not a performance, and you won't be paid or get a recording contract from it or anything like that . . . that's right, don't expect to get photos from a test shoot, because it's JUST A TEST). A test shoot is not a TFP shoot.

This doesn't mean I think you suck or you aren't pretty or something. It means I can't tell from your portfolio that we can probably produce worthwhile material. That means your port is either not developed (maybe just has five or six photos in it), or maybe I just can't see you very well in the photos (because they're dark or don't show you well, etc.).

If we test and our test works out well (you show up and you try, and you show some promise), I'll be happy to schedule a TFP shoot with you. My test shoots often produce good images. If this happens at our test, I will include those images with the photos from our TFP shoot. If I don't want to TFP with you after a test, then the photos aren't good enough to post, and you wouldn't want them anyway. This only happens on rare occasions, so don't worry! But please don't expect me to send you photos that I think suck, because neither of us want such photos to be seen by anyone.

How I deliver images - They will come to you through a gallery system on-line (no CD of images, sorry . . . and if you expect photographers to bring a notebook computer with them and burn 20 gigs of raw photo files to give you on the spot at the end of a shoot, you're smoking crack). I will post about a quarter of the photos (the best ones) in a password-protected gallery on my site. They will be approximately 3 Megapixel preview images. You will be able to download them right away, if you like. You will pick out your favorites, and I will post a gallery of highest quality, print versions with your very favorite two or three edited in Photoshop. I am no longer placing my logo on my images. I feel it takes away from the image, and I don't want my photos to have some obsolete logo on them years from now.

You can feel free to edit photos you get from me. My clients do so, so why shouldn't you? I'm not one of those control-freak photographers who thinks you are ruining their photos, because you decide to work on it in Photoshop. I've actually had models do amazing things with photos I shot. I'm happy to see that. Feel free! You should give yourself credit for editing your own images too. If you're not a Photoshop expert, but you want to improve your photos, you should consider having a Photoshop Wizard edit one or two of your favorite photos from each shoot you do. It only costs a few bucks, like a drink at a bar, and it could improve your port dramatically!

Here's an example of what can be done in Photoshop (not my work, just an example). It should be convincing . . . to show you that your port could be vastly improved if you send your portfolio pictures to a professional Photoshop Wizard for a makeover:

Where can you find a Photoshop Wizard? Here on MM. Look at my top friends here. I have a Photoshop Wizard account on MM. See below?

Questions? Call me: 305.791.3551


I hate rules and distractions, so please don't try to restrict me with your limits and escorts. Escorts and limits are for amateurs. Also, I might ask you to remove something, like your bra, panties, etc. Usually this is to eliminate lines in dresses, shirts, and such. I don't usually shoot nudes, and if you're not the type, I won't expect that of you. I might ask you to roll naked or topless in the sand or smear black mud all over yourself though. You can always say NO to anything I request. I am not some type of psycho who's going to get mad or attack you, but we probably won't get such good photos if you cramp my style, so please keep that in mind before allowing me to push you out of your comfort zone into a world of creativity that you never experienced before.

For conservative or shy (prude) models I'm a little scary.

" . . . if you arent willing to go that extra mile for some unique shots , I may not be the one to work with." - Kassandra Leigh (MMl# 3245)


What do I mean by out of the box? Here is an example:

Noemi Cruz (MM#229262)

That was a fun shoot!



cell:    (305) 791-3551
e-mail:  [email protected] (it's better to contact me through here though)
yes that info. is on my Web site at

Oh, and since my site is gone now, here are some links for newbies to learn more about modeling: (see )

Here is a book by Abby Hawkins (MM#658515) that might be helpful:

And here is my list of the 7 most important things a "real" model should possess:

1. A positive attitude (comes with true desire to be a real model)
2. A good portfolio (comes with experience)
3. Posing ability (comes from practice!)
4. A cell phone that works (prepaid phones cost about $20 at Wal-Mart or CVS)
5. The willingness to make phone calls (not just send text messages)
6. A good physique (comes by exercising)
7. No tan lines (use spf 50 when going outside in a bikini top)

Oh, and it's a sign of disrespect to your photographer if you stayed up late the night before an early morning shoot. If your photographer is on his game, and you're not, because you stayed up late, partying last night, then you're not serious and you're disrespecting your photographer by not being able to perform to the best of your abilities, because you're tired. This is rude, mean, and stupid. The photos are more for you than the photographer anyway. In my case, I've worked with HUNDREDS of models. If you're new, you've probably worked with a handful of photographers. It's MUCH more likely that you will get usable photos from your photographer than the other way around. Why screw it up for yourself?


I have one important thing to say for models who claim to be experienced.

If you have 6 or 7 photos in your gallery here, but you say you're experienced, there is something wrong. Experienced models have more than enough great photos to fill a 15 picture gallery here on MM. You're just showing your inexperience, if you only have a handful of photos, and you say something like "I have lots of experience in front of the camera." Those of you with amazing photos from top photographers and Playboy, and you're too lazy to post more than a few photos, shame on you. If you can't post 15 photos, then you don't deserve to be considered experienced and you definitely don't deserve to get paid work! You're LAZY!

(Photographers . . . if you have not been on MM for 5 years, you should not be calling yourself experienced, unless you really ARE. I plan to change my profile from "Some Experience" to "Experienced" when I have been on MM for ten years. Then when I've been on here for 20 years I will change it to "Very Experienced" - as long as I've been shooting most of that time, and not "on hiatus" or something.)

THE BEST MODELS HERE ON MM (models like Valerie - take a look!) often have dozens of photos in their gallery. A few have 100 or more! This PROVES that they are "Very experienced" - understand? I'm not saying you should pay for a profile here, but if you do, you should take advantage of the space you have, and after a few shoots with good photographers you should have plenty of photos to fill your gallery. I often give models 30, 40, or even 100 photos from a shoot. You surely get as many from half the photographers you shoot with. That means that in a dozen shoots (three months worth of TFP shoots - one per week), you should have more than enough good photos to completely fill your portfolio. Then, almost every time you do another TFP shoot, you can replace the three worst shots you have up in your gallery here with new photos. THAT'S the way to do it!


Here's a little glamour shot from a recent shoot (as of 11-18-2015):

Kitty (MM#3495587)


Things your portfolio should NOT have in it:

1. "I reserve the right to bring an escort with me."

Why should your port not have something like this in it? Well, you are showing that you plan to bring someone to bother the photographer and potentially cause the shoot to be cancelled. It's also a sign that you are inexperienced. Most experienced models do not bring an escort with them. It's impractical and unnecessary.

2. All capital letters.

What do I mean? THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. If you have written all your profile in capital letters, it shows that you just don't care. It's like you are shouting or something, and it literally "looks rude" - believe it or not.

3. Bad grammar, spelling mistakes, anything that shows you have a bad command of the English language.

Why? Because if you either don't care enough to write your profile well, or you aren't smart enough to write a good profile, photographers will have less respect for you. Photographers, this goes for you too. If a model reads a profile which makes you seem like a Harvard graduate, they will be more likely to want to work with you, as long as you don't come across too stuffy or something. I realize that some models will not want to work with me, because of how long-winded my own profile is (those who read it), but I am happy to miss a few models, because I know I will benefit others and actually gain the favor of others, purely because my profile is so informative and written with good grammar and content. Yes, I show attitude, and that might be a little too strong for a model's portfolio, but for a photographer I think it's probably o.k. Yes, I know it seems like a double standard, but that's just the way it goes. There are all sorts of double standards out there, and most of them benefit the models more than they benefit photographers, but when it comes to attitude, I think photographers get a little more slack. Maybe it's because people know they/we are older.

4. Rates

Why should you not have rates? It is just silly to tell people you're willing to work for $50 per hour, when they might be considering offering you $75 per hour, right? If you put $50 per hour on your port, then that's what they'll offer you, rather than $75 per hour! You are underselling yourself to some and over-selling yourself to others. Why leave money on the table? Why scare away people who think that your rates are all you are willing to take? Leave the rates to the amateurs.

5. "My rates are industry standard."

Seriously . . . what is industry standard? What industry? Where? What time of year? There is no such thing as "industry standard" rates! Sorry, but they don't exist . . . not that I've ever come across. Google it. You'll see. There is no "industry standard" rate sheet available anywhere! If there really was such a thing as industry standard rates, it would be information that is readily available, wouldn't it? It would be simple to find, because someone would have a blog about it, or it would be in Wikipedia or somewhere. No. There are NO industry standard rates. That's a load of crap! Photographers who know better will avoid you, and you want to work with good photographers, right? Here's a thread regarding this:

6. "Agency reresented"

. . . and then no link or name of the agency. Why? Because it doesn't look legit. It makes you look like you're trying to be more important than you are. Stating something like you are agency represented, without backing up that claim is like stating that you are a top, published model, but having a crap portfolio. It just doesn't make sense, and it makes you look bad.

7. "I am a model . . ."

It will be obvious if you are a model . . . by your portfolio. Stating that you are a model, if you have done 4 photo shoots would be like me stating that I am a tennis player . . . because I have played tennis 4 times. Trust me, I am no tennis player, and if you have done 4 photo shoots, you are no model. (Of course, there might be an exception to this - you may not give a crap about your portfolio, because you are so hot that you've been getting hired to "model" at events for the past year, just by word of mouth, and you worked events, modeling at dozens of conventions and other functions, getting paid quite well for your time. In this case, you could indeed state that you are a model and be telling the whole truth, even though your portfolio makes it look like you are not really a model. In this case, you might want to throw in a few snap-shots of you modeling at events and give a little explanation of what "modeling" you have been doing.)

So what SHOULD you have in your portfolio? Tell people a little about yourself (not your day job, unless it is relevant to your modeling . . . not that you've been dreaming about being a top model since you were a kid - nobody cares, because that is many models' dream - you are not unique in that way). Try to let us know what you want to shoot next. Tell us what your best look is, and how you'd like it captured. Tell us you have a tattoo on your ass or that you bite your fingernails, so they are short. Tell us if you just died your hair blue! There's lots of stuff about you that you can tell us, without telling us your day job or your major at college. If you can't shoot on week days, that is something we need to know.

Again, check this guide for more info. Modelinsider Profile Guide

EVERY MODEL SHOULD STUDY MIKE'S HAND WORK (the way the models' hands look in his photos) - (No, it didn't just happen by mistake!)

(Study the hands . . . those results took a great deal of effort - to get the models' hands to look that way. Practice those hand positions in front of a mirror!)

Particularly the following images:

And for you short models, here is an example of what a short model can be:

. . . and a 5 foot tall model who has walked runway shows in NY.

. . . and the inimitable Lauren Calaway . . .

. . . so obviously, short girls CAN be models.

Oh, and for those of you who think that "real" models don't do nudes - check out Kate Moss here:

. . . and a couple more:

And if you'd like to be in Playboy:

. . . and here is some inspiration for models who think they might not be quite right for modeling:

Want more info? Message me. I wrote many articles for my site, and I'd be happy to forward some to you.

Or better still, spend two minutes on the phone with me: (305) 791-3551

Why do I want you to call? Because I write messages on here tooooo much, and texting takes FOREVER. I'd rather hear your voice, and I'd rather converse with you in a more personal way. It's better for both of us, and it's the next best thing to meeting. Feel free . . . whether you're a model or a photographer, makeup artist, stylist, etc. I won't bite!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
The most recent fairy that I photographed (October 2015).


One day I hope to get a bigger sailboat and travel the World with a couple of non-smoking models (maybe some other people too . . . depending on how big the sailboat is), stopping at various exotic locations, where we will shoot fairy photos in forests around the World. Of course there will be the opportunity to shoot all sorts of stuff, like photos out at sea, on the sailboat, on beautiful, exotic beaches, and at waterfalls and other interesting locations. I intend for the trip to be long and the greatest adventure of my life . . . but it will take a couple of years to prepare for it. If you're one of those models who would LOVE to take a trip like that, let me know. Maybe you can come with us. You never know. Right now you might be too young (maybe 15 or 16), but by then you might be 18 or 19, so don't be shy. Get in touch. It could be the adventure of your life too.


Finally you're at the end of my port. Sorry to make it so long. I hope you got some good info. If not, I apologize. There is much for many models to know, but some of you don't need to read all of that stuff. I've been thinking of placing it on a separate page (on a Web site and just linking to it), but many would not read it that way. In fact, most don't seem to read it anyway, but at least I can say it's here.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my work.


"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." -- Mark Twain

. . . again . . . my number . . . 305-791-3551

Verified Credits (18)

Worked with Scott Kennelly? Share your experience and become verified!
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"lovely person, easy to work with! looking forward for more future opportunities :)" Read less

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"Scott is a wonderful soul with an eye for great imager, he's professional, kind and awesome to work with; better not be our first n last time shooting together! ..& hope he gets more awards for his short n sweet MM bio 😆" Read less

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"I had so much fun working with Scott today! He made me feel very comfortable throughout the entire shoot, and we both instantly connected right away, so creating art was the easy part :) In addition, loved that I learned a few things about posing, and also test my limits on how well I listen to directions. Meeting photographers like Scott are one of the main reasons why I love modeling so much, and keep coming back to it. I hope we can work on many projects in the near future :)" Read less

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"Scott is a delight to work with! I felt very comfortable and loved the great tips he gave me. He not only takes great photos but pushes you to become a better model. I would definitely work with him again!" Read less

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"I had such an amazing time with Scott. On top of being so very kind, insightful, and fun to work with, I find Scott to be incredibly diverse and talented. Given the opportunity, I would surely shoot with him over and over again! If you want something beautiful and unique to add to your portfolio, working with Scott is a MUST." Read less

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Credit Notes

I've had a variety of clients, from a world-famous plastic surgeon to a group of mothers in Boca Raton, FL. But my work is: not published in any big way (though one of my photos was published in a magazine that was circulated internationally), I am not a Magnum photographer, and none of my photos have been in Vogue or any other high fashion magazine (as far as I know). I used to think I wanted that, but now I'm just not sure. I'd like to create works of art that editors love so much that they approach me to publish them.

As far as models who I've worked with, you can find links to them under my photos here. I have pretty-much given up trying to keep track of them all, but there is a list of models I've worked with on my Florida Fashion Photos portfolio here in MM:

States where I've photographed models:

North Carolina
New York

Countries where I've photographed models:

United States

I have photographed some of the World's most beautiful women/models. Here are some of the places where my models have come from:

The Netherlands
Costa Rica
Louisiana (New Orleans)
New York
New Jersey
Washington (Seattle)
South Carolina
North Carolina


One last time! - 305-791-3551


My top friends here are all me (my other profiles).