
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Oct 13, 2011
Very Experienced
Paid Assignments Only
Shoot Nudes:
Jan 31, 2008
5' 9"
120 lbs
Skin Color:
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Hair Length:
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Lists (12)

Next Newest Place Right Now

6 Photos

the new inspiration

0 Photos

different stuff that strikes me

5 Photos


1 Photos

in love with the light

0 Photos

Unique Beautiful

2 Photos

I need some looks like this COMMERCIAL N LIFESTYLE

3 Photos

Stuff I really like by people I really know (a work in progress)

4 Photos

Wish I could find the people I want to be and just get into thier skin (models who make me jealous:)

0 Photos

Pictures I want to be in...

3 Photos

Me on other people's pages...

10 Photos

Rika Hollings's list of killer photos

0 Photos
See Less

About Me

Feb 2010: I AM RETIRED!
I check this every once in awhile, but if you need to get a hold of me soon, call or email. Or Facebook.

Spy on what I'm up to now at any of these locations:!/profile.php?id=1186730663
Twitter: @rikaconfesses

Everything below this line is outdated, as it refers to my policies and philosophies when I was actively modeling, but you can read it for history's sake if your bored.


I'm currently spokesmodeling for XFX Graphics- they do pc gaming hardware! That, and documenting my adventures doing that, gaming, and keeping up with rock and roll and youtube keep me pretty busy. (check it out at my youtube..

I have my nose pierced, which I take out for shoots unless you tell me not to. (you can't see it when its out) I also have a tattoo on my inside lower arm. It appears to be an abstract pattern. Let me know if you would like it covered. It covers well. Hair is currently the shorter length.


Although it breaks my heart to put it up here because I do believe there are always exceptions, I am currently only taking paid work. Many people helped me out with TF shoots when I was starting out and had nothing, and I've formed many a friendship from TF collaborations, but as I look at things honestly, I know that I currently just cannot hold spots for unpaid work.

I will sometimes do shoots in exchange for things such as badass clothing, or the chance to be somewhere really really cool. If you would like to offer me something in trade, I ask that you be very specific about what it is and how much time/type of shoot you would expect from me.


If I were going to even CONSIDER extremely limited TF it would be for these reasons ONLY:

(a) for my personal projects- things that can be used on my blogs, or for calendars, posters and the like. I do not expect to be the sole holder of rights to these images, but we would need to negotiate a slightly atypical release. I would consider myself an equal artistic collaborator in these types of shoots and would expect you to consider me such.

(b) tearsheets- but I am somewhat particular about what tearsheets i will do trade for. It needs to be something I'm going to be proud of, and not a situation in which someone gets paid for the work but I just don't get paid.

(c) You have a project that you are working on that you can pitch to me with a fair amount of detail, it wouldn't be redundant with work I already have (theres a ton more that you dont see on here btw), and it is exciting to me, and you have the portfolio to back your pitch up. Bonus points if you make the shoot easy on me- as in, I don't have to provide wardrobe, or a makeup artist is provided.

(d) I already know you, we get along well, and you're willing to schedule it in when I have time.

(e) You are so very awesome that I just have to say yes.

You may ask about TF all you want- it never hurts to ask. But you have been for warned that I really am not actively doing TF, so if I decline or offer you my rates, I expect you not to act as if I'm being rude.


My portfolio is currently a mix on here, because of recent hair changes and also because of stylistic changes. I recently left the agency world of commercial and clean, and now am interested in pursuing things that I could not in that persona. I will still shoot any style you wish for paid work and enjoy it. But if you are interested in knowing what sets my imagination off at the moment, I am interesting in edgier, more artistic, more glamorous, even darker and sometimes alt projects. Current inspirations on MM include Precious Little and Mosh. My list Next Newest Thing Right Now will show you more of what I'm digging right now. Note there are boobs in my lists. Just because I like the style and feel doesn't mean I want to show nipples.


NUDE: (I don't do it.)
I do not do nude work. You can ask me to all you want, but remember I've been asked and asked and asked and there is no statistical evidence that I will say yes. I don't find it offensive if you ask. But you should be prepared not to find it offensive when I say no. IF you are going to try to proposition me for nude work, I would suggest that you offer me vast amounts of money for it, because all those people that offered me reasonable amounts of money for it have already gotten turned down. (I am joking. Mostly)


My basic rate is $75 an hour. This includes me doing my hair and makeup and providing wardrobe. (This assumes typical wardrobe, if you need something really expensive, overly specific, or that comes from a museum, you may need to provide it or finance me finding it. smile)

If I just have to show-up-and-shoot- hair wardrobe and makeup provided- I'm willing to lower that significantly.


I hope that all of this written out doesn't sound too harsh. I just want to answer as many questions preemptively as possible so anyone considering contacting me knows what to expect. But, if you've made it through all these rules and regulations, you should know that I do negotiate, and I'm not mean, and if you've got an idea or a proposition, I'd be glad to hear it and the worse I'll do is say no. Just keep in mind, being specific as to what sort of shoot you'd like to do earns you points with me.

Currently booking mostly weekend shoots.


Formerly agency repped but now handling my own shoots and bookings. I kept the best lessons the agency taught me (and a thick skin) but being independent has its advantages. I've done commercial, fashion, glamor, beauty, pinup, ect. and I'm interested in doing good work in just about any genre. Give me something interesting, unique, challenging, unusual, something the other girls laughed at... we'll rock it out.

And yeah, I really am into video games.

My youtube..

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Credit Notes

Madeline Wood Clothing
The Clutts Agency
Rolando Gomez (I'm the back cover of his book Lighting for Glamour Photography!)
Anthony Chiang
G8 Brand
Hello Lover- band flyer
XFX Graphics
Southwest Gaming Exposition ..RIP:(
Tim Bennett
Her Room Lingerie

and many others..