
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Oct 18, 2017
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Jan 23, 2013

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Noir et Blanc

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Simply Done Right

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About Me

::::::::::::::::::::::Agency Approved | Internationally Published
Who. What. Why. romen cole....or [roco], stands for something more than it could ever be, ipso facto. He, it, is all but the manifesto of an idea; a perpetual pursuit of sorts, taking its form within the eternity of a single moment which is, irrevocably, the canvas of life itself.

I'd like to assert that am not here to collect friends, or to hover over how many comments I've left or received. If I've left a thought or two in your book, I am doing so because I genuinely appreciate your work. If I've sent you an FR, it is because I probably felt that it would have been an injustice by not doing so. I have been known to be mildly loquacious at times, but I never waste a word or gesture. Everything has its place and purpose.

Shoot with me. You will see.

:::::::::::::::::::::: PSA: PORTFOLIO OUT-OF-DATE ::::::::::::::::::::::
Yeah - I have no idea when I am going to get around to curating and updating my book on MM. As of late, I log into MM about once every few weeks - if that. So, if you stopped by to show some love, please do so. BUT------if you like what you see here, you'll love what you see on my Facebook and instagram ;).

:::::::::::::::::::::: Social

Instagram | @iam_romencole | Twitter

Find me. Follow me. Partake in the goodness; because there is a lot more where that came from.


:::::::::::::::::::::: Test Shoots

If you'd like to schedule a block for a test shoot, feel free to contact me for rates.

All Major Credit Cards (AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD, Best Buy gift cards) are accepted via means of PayPal or Square; which is great because I can provide you with a receipt of the transaction for your records.

[NOTE:] I am just kidding about the Best Buy gift cards. Unless---it's a really big one.

:::::::::::::::::::::: PHOTOGRAPHER Q & A

Q:Is this a real interview?
A: No. This is me answering questions to myself that I'm sure others would (should) want to know. Just go with it.

Q: Great. So how did you step foot into the industry?
A: Honestly, I initially got into this to make money shooting stock photography. But from the moment I laid hand on the camera, I knew I'd found something. Eventually I got to the point where I realized I had to incorporate a human element into my work, and that was the beginning of----well, a beautiful beginning. It was then, that Romen Cole was born.

Q: How do you feel about shooting nude or implied?
A: I'm all for #FreetheNipple. You DO REALIZE that you were born naked, right? I really feel like anyone who has a problem with this, better be showering fully-clothed. The human body is as it is perceived/portrayed. As long as you do it tastefully, artfully, beautifully...then there is absolutely nothing wrong with how much you are, or are not wearing.

Q: Why do a lot of photographers have their studios at home?
A: Simple. Studio time is very expensive. So, most serious photographers will create miniature versions in their homes for the smaller projects/test shoots that may come to pass. It's just smart economics people; don't spend more money than you absolutely have to. When CoCo or Calvin gives us a call, then, yes....renting a larger space becomes necessary.

SIDENOTE: IF you find yourself standing in front of stairs which descend into a deep dark basement with the promise of nice photos and candy, listen to your gut instincts and walk the other direction. Be smart.

Cliff note: I don't have my studio in a seedy basement. I do however, have plenty of snickers and granola bars around. You know, for those who starved themselves for the entire day leading up to the shoot. I commend your dedication :).

**cliff note update**: I don't have snickers and granola bars around anymore. Got tired of being cleaned out of all my goodies after shoots.

Q: Do you do modeling portfolios?
A: seriously....?

Q: I bring an escort with me. Is that ok?
A: Absolutely. Hell, bring 5, I don't care. Just be aware that they may be employed to hold a reflector or fetch stuff out of your garment bag.

*AMENDED*: OK so apparently someone took that part seriously and showed up with two Aunts and a 3yr old niece to the shoot, where the little tot almost ruined her future as a track runner when she was sprinting through my studio. So no - don't bring 5 people. You may bring one ( e.g. 2 - 1. Uno. one-less-than-2, 2+2-3=1, ONE) escort is fine.

*Disclaimer* Bad attitudes will be asked to go sit in the car.

Q: Isn't $295-500 per shoot kind of pricey?
A: No.

Q: "Ooooh! Well what if I'm a laughably broke and starving college student who wants to get into modeling. So, how do you feel about TFP/Collabo/Party Favors/Stock Tips?"
A: If you've been around long enough, you know that there is no such thing as "TF". Time is invaluable and there is always a cost of some sort absorbed by all parties involved. So, while I welcome inquiries about collaborations, understand that I am rather selective about who I do TF/Collab with, since everyone involved should be MUTUAL beneficiaries. I also can't keep my studio lights on with "good intentions" and "visibility". I tried that and the lady from the power company laughed hysterically then hung up on me-----and then shut my lights off. Why was she so mean!? #letsbefriends

So HERE'S THE DEAL - *All* TF/COLLABO's will have an MUA/H provided by the inquirer. This is non-negotiable. Unless you've already got solid proof in your book that you can manage these two things at a professional capacity, you can either commission one of the professionals from my team Cheyenne Folkert (MUA) or Kenzy Robinson/Babak Niroomand (Hair Stylists), or provide one of your own. Bottom line is, if it's a collaboration - we're in it for print/editorial submission, or bust. That's it.

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: That's nunna your damn business.

Q: What kind of camera do you shoot with?
A: I shoot full-frame and Medium Format camera systems (Nikon, Mamiya (film) and Hasselblad. Oh yes....a Hasselblad ;).

note: It's disturbing how many models and photographers, don't know what a Hasselblad is. So I invite you to Google it. You're welcome ;).

Q: How do you feel about people "no-showing"?
A: Cardinal Sin. I don't mind someone being late, hell - I don't think ONE production I've been on, mine or otherwise, has ever started on-time (like, EVER). But no-call/no-show or worse, CALL/no-show is almost unforgivable unless you were dead, dying or at least have a doctor's note. Danger of Black-Listing is entirely possible at this junction.

Communication is a simple professional courtesy that will be given, and expected in return. Refer to "professional" reference above.

Q: If you don't know the President or anything - how is your "black-listing" going to hold weight?
A: It probably won't...and I don't bad-mouth people. But this is a small industry and I will surely see you again. When I do, I will undoubtedly spend a brief moment attempting to light you afire with my eyeballs. (DO NOT refer to "professionalism" mentioned above. #BurningBridges)

Btw, me and Obama are still tight.

Q: ok well, I'm out of questions. Did you have anything you wanted to add?
A: Come back later, as I'm sure I'll think of something so brilliant it would be a crime not to tell the world.

:::::::::::::::::::::: Social Media (again)

[Twitter] @iam_romencole | @romencoleofficial
[instagram] @iam_romencole | @romencoleofficial

Verified Credits (0)

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Credit Notes

La + Plus Belle Magazine - June 2015 (pg.10-24)
Model: Jen Republic
MUA: Cheyenne Folkert

ESSENCE Magazine - March 2014

ESSENCE Magazine - July 2014
Harold Allen IFBB Pro

Le Rouge Magazine | Shades of Grey Publication pg.45
Agency Model: Maritza Luna

Mercedes Benz | Fashionably Pink | Phoenix Fashion Week - Live Event

Mercedes Benz | Work in-Print for Dealership

As for the rest, well, I have bunches. But, since the last MM "update", it wiped out my entire list of people in this credits section. SO - until I find the time to recreate it, (and stop cursing at the notion of having to do it again in the first place), you can just ask :).

OR - refer to my book. I've tagged everyone that I've worked with ;)